There is a tiny beach in Seattle that, unless you know where exactly you are going, is quite difficult to find. It is out of the way of any curious tourist, and too rocky for any locals to pay any attention. We discovered it by accident: one sunny summer day decided to extend our usual walk along Elliott Bay. The scenery was not really that exciting: a cruise boats pier, a marina… Nothing special.

We were almost ready to turn back when we stumbled upon a small beach, which appeared just because of a very low tide. Curiosity took over, and we climbed down who knows why. That was when we spotted a large rock with a pool of water left from the time when bay water was at a higher level. The rock by itself was nothing to write home about, but the combination of the rock and the leftover water made a perfect natural aquarium brimming with small creatures.

I am not a sea life expert, so I am just guessing that we saw some tiny hermit crabs, snails and prodigious amounts of barnacles.